July's Opening

Many Thanks to all the cowboys, art lovers, neighbors, friends fans and general riffraff that braved the heat and showed up. When ever I have an opening there is always that fear I will be drinking all the Prosecco by myself! Special thanks to Beautiful Benji (Benji Ramsell) who not only provided the music but also graced the cover of my invite. I arrived in Galveston with my truck of paintings last August so I guess this makes one trip around the moon for me in Texas. After the opening I jumped in the Gulf and made a painting of that amazing night swim. I have never had a bigger response to a single painting. I am so glad it is staying right here on the island with a beautiful new collector. OK keep cool inside and out! See ya on the other side of Art or just stop by the gallery. Cheers

Anne Lane of Texas

Anne-Allyn Lane